For employers

Hire talent passionate about tech & startups

Find digital marketers, data scientists, web developers and more from Indonesia & Singapore’s English speaking startup community.

At Tech in Asia, we share your HR pains and solve them with our own product.


Solutions for every hiring need

Whether you prefer flexibility or higher efficiency, have it your way. Pick a plan to start connecting with talent passionate about tech & startups.

For budding startups


Pay per job

Job Postings
  • Pay for only what you need
  • Upgrade for 50,000+ resumes from talent with startup passion
For fast-growing startups


Billed US$594 every 6 months

Job Postings
  • Unlimited
  • 5 Featured Job posts
  • Recommended talent
  • Employer branding
  • Salary insights
Talent Search
  • 25 credits
  • Upgrade for 50,000+ resumes from talent with startup passion
For enterprises & recruitment companies


Billed US$4140 every 6 months

Job Postings
  • Unlimited
  • 5 Featured Job posts
  • Recommended talent
  • Employer branding
  • Salary insights
Talent Search
  • Unlimited credits
  • Full access to 50,000+ resumes from talent with startup passion

Achieve more results with Premium

Easily discover talent with the skills you’re looking for

Browse through our extensive database and connect with over 40,000+ relevant candidates with startup passion.

Get talent recommendations

Quickly identify qualified talent and save time reviewing applications with our talent recommendation algorithm.

Gain 2x more relevant candidates

Feature your job on the homepage of Tech in Asia and boost it to the top of jobseekers’ search results via Featured Jobs.

Handle applications efficiently

Manage applicants on our dashboard or redirect them to your site. Employers love our easy-to-use software.

Boost your brand

Drive your employer branding and credibility up a notch. Unlock special Jobs Premium features like photos and testimonials.

Score positive outcomes

Jobs Premium users see better results, higher efficiency, and more effectiveness. More below.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who should sign up for Jobs Premium?

You’re likely to get the most out of Jobs Premium if you’re:

  • A startup in growth stage
  • Looking to build a team of entry- to mid-level talent
  • Searching for talent in Singapore or Indonesia

How does Jobs Premium make hiring 60% more efficient?

On average, a person takes about three minutes to review a single job application. Our goal is to make it easier for you by suggesting candidates who have real potential.

Looking at our data, we found out that a company with four job postings received an average of 33 candidates for each opening. This means Jobs Premium helped save 69% of the employer’s time, cutting down total review time from around 6.6 hours to 2 hours.

How do I achieve +200% HR spend effectiveness with Jobs Premium?

On average, a company posts about four to five jobs a month. This could easily add up to US$500 per month, with job posts typically costing US$100 each.

With Jobs Premium, you can get unlimited job posts for as low as US$3.30 per day on our biannual plan.

For example, if you post 10 jobs, each job will only cost $9.90. The more you post, the cost per job gets lower.

And as a Jobs Premium employer, you are just a few clicks away from promoting your jobs and amplifying your reach by 200% on Tech in Asia’s homepage via the Featured Jobs option at no extra cost.

How can my company’s openings be showcased on Featured Jobs?

Each month, you can select 5 jobs to be featured across Tech in Asia’s Jobs pages with high jobseeker traffic. Once you’ve made your picks, they’ll be added to our queue and displayed for up to 2 days. (Note: The time length can be adjusted to optimize your exposure on Featured Jobs.)

How do the Talent Search credits work?

Each month, Jobs Premium employer has 25 Talent Search credits. Viewing a candidate’s resume or connecting with them will use up 1 Talent Search credit.

Any unused Talent Search credits will not be carried over to the next month.

How does the talent recommender work?

Called Talent You May Like (TYML), our talent recommender highlights applicants with skills and experiences that closely meet your job requirements.

What subscription plans are available?

Currently, we offer a monthly and biannual subscription. We strongly recommend the biannual plan because it gives you the optimal time needed to build a team and fully experience the benefits of Jobs Premium. In addition, you get to save 30%! For annual plans and longer, please feel free to contact us at

More FAQs